Thursday, May 22, 2008

Black Sheep and a boy named dom

At first I didn't think I'd have a plan to be a complete fool. However, today I was wrong. I came to the conclusion that I'd fall over with enthusiasm when I saw myself in the nude. Let it be known that I was tastefully nude. And by tastefully, I mean an utter beauty, yup.... I am shocked still at the uncompromisingly cold drafts. Who knew liberation could be so enthusiastically simple and easily attainable. Anyway, it started with my friend begging me to blog about him being unreasonably obsessed with pet peeves. For example, discombobulated phalanges of the tarsals. For some, this could mean they stub their phalanges on random cold impenetrable objects that hurt bad. This is where the aforementioned foolish role begins. You see, I slipped on the cold, wet tiled linoleum surface covering. Yes, I was naked. I just so happened to catch the eyes of my unreasonably obsessed friend and his dog, Patches. Of course, while I fell on my face I also jabbed my TOES ON A CABINET! There you have the rest of the foolish experience played out by my silly goofy self. :) (Collaboration of dom and ME)

actually an autobiography.....

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