Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sharpie: The Revolution

First and foremost I would like to warn all those who view this site that I am not obsessed with colons. I usually do not overuse them nor do I have a habit of using them in titles of my work. It just so happens that both posts I put up today have colons in the title. Please do not judge. Judgmental people aren't very well liked anyway, so consider this a favor. Now, back to the sharpie. Sharpie has, indeed, revolutionized. The basic black, is no longer acceptable. Even the emo kids refuse... and that is saying something. They know exactly what is appropriate and what is not. The colors of the rainbow are not good enough either. ROYGBIV is no longer in power. There are pastels and bolds and really hideous bodily fluid looking colors that apparently have overruled the colors God meant to be an inspiration after a good rain and a little sunshine. Don't get me started on the sharpie "mini". Not only do we have sharpie marker, sharpie dry erase, sharpie fine point, but now we have to deal with a miniature version of the famous sharpie. Its not good enough to clip one to your pocket or slide one in that nice cargo pant we all have tried to pull off at one time or another. No, they have to create a marker you can put on your key chain. You know, so when your driving you don't have to worry about searching through or purse and or man bag to find a sharpie to complete that doodle you were so set on finishing before you arrived at Auntie May's.

1 comment:

₥∑₢∀∏ said...

Oh I love sharpies! And when I pretend I am five, which happens a lot more than it should, I like to ruin them by coloring my fingernails with them. The navy and drab alien green are my favorites.